About Riverside

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Our Mission

“Riverside is a fellowship in Christ joyfully committed to gathering for Him, growing in Him, and going with Him.”

As a church, we embrace a mission statement that is centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ:

  • Gathering for Jesus
  • Growing in Jesus
  • Going with Jesus

This is because Jesus is the very center of God’s plan and is preeminent over all things, including the church (Colossians 1:15-18). Therefore, our mission is to have Jesus and his message at the center of all that we say and do. We gather together for His glory, grow together in His strength, and go to the world with His presence, bearing His name and carrying His message of redemption

What Were About

Riverside’s Core Principles

  1. Since we “gather for Him” we want our worship and ministry to be centered on God’s glorious accomplishment for us in the gospel, committed to the sufficiency of His word, and meaningful in all its parts.
  2. Because we “grow in Him” we seek to disciple one another prayerfully for our joy in Christ, intentionally develop spiritual leaders with the Bible, and fellowship authentically with one another.
  3. Knowing that we “go with Him” we prayerfully attempt to build relationships with others, share Jesus with those who need Him, and faithfully send and support those who have boldly gone out for the Lord.

Riverside Elders

While Christ is the Chief Shepherd of His church, the Bible makes clear that God ordains Biblically qualified men to serve his church as elders. Under the authority of the congregation, these men pastor our church through preaching & teaching, prayer, and oversight.

Our Elders/Pastors:

Bo Bowman (Lead Pastor)
​Nolan Pierce
Tim Regan
Trevor Richards

Ministry Partners

​While Riverside is an autonomous local church we are happy to partner with these organizations for effective ministry: